The Bunkier - Escape Room Poznań

The Bunkier – are you not afraid to escape?

Imagine a massive, concrete building sitting in the middle of a city, though passed by wayfarers with no attention. Old sign "Shelter" hanging on its wall, although a bulb inside has broken a long time ago. You look at the wall trying to find the entrance. You have heard a lot about that place and you wanted to find out what lurks inside. You carefully approach a big metal door hidden in an unassuming alcove. Your heart plummets, but lead by curiosity you open the door and enter the darkness inside. Welcome to The Bunkier Escape Roooms traveler! You have made the most important step already but will you be able to escape, when we close the door behind you?

The Bunkier Escape Rooms is not another place created based on the idea of escape games. It is a multidimmensional, climatic and full of unique solutions entertainment, that will provide you and your party a great time and a handful of memories. Gather a party consisting of 2 to 5 people and let us lock you in one of our carefully created escape rooms.

Solve puzzles laid in front of you, discover new secrets and figure out long forgotten mysteries. Months of preparations and hard work made us create a place, that will take you to a different world. A place, where your decisions, wit and cooperations will lead you and your party to a surprising conclusion. Do not be afraid though, if you get lost during your quest - our Game Master is constantly taking care of you and may give you a hint that will let you move forward.

The Bunkier Escape Rooms is a memorable experience. We created it, so that with every step you would feel, as if you are not in the center of Poznań. Even entering the building may be unexpected, but the fun has just begun Every room is created, so that with every place you discover, you would get more intrigued. You would be surprised how quickly the time runs in such a place. You will come for more.


Pokoje zagadek Poznań

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You have 90 minutes to escape. We accept groups of 2-5 people per room.
The cost of a 90 minute game is based on the number of players.

1-2 people 100/120zł
3 people 120/150 zł
4 people 130/160 zł
5 people 150/170 zł

Contact The Bunkier

The Bunkier Escape Room, pokój zagadek
ul. Kościuszki 68 (down the street, left side)
61-818 Poznań

The Bunkier Escape Room, pokój zagadek
ul. Kościuszki 68 (down the street, left side)
61-818 Poznań
 +48 730 088 291
 +48 574 488 222
 +48 600 759 985


You can message us, our staff will respond in 24 hours.